Heliconia Orthotricha / Stricta Dorado Gold
November 14, 2018
Dwarf Obtusa Singapore Pink
November 15, 2018Litchi Chinensis Lychee
The lychee is a very handsome tree, dense, round topped, medium growing with smooth grayish trunk and limbs. Foliage is leathery with pinnate shaped leaves immature foliage is red then turning green. The delicious fruit is covered by a leathery rind which is strawberry pink to red in color, oval to nearly round 1″ – 1 1/2 ” in legnth, the fruit is white translucent, firm, juicy, sweet and delicious. Cool winters, with low rainfall are ideal for lychees, mature trees have survived temperatures as low as 25 degrees F. Lychees can be successfully grown in frost free areas of the Southern portions of the United States. A truly delectable exotic fruit!
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SKU: # LC-72
Category: Fruiting Plants and Trees